Monday, November 12, 2007

studying in the curtin (common people) library

hello all

I have joined the bloggers of google since I realised that a lot of agapeans are in on it. haha so since I finish work and uni exams this week this will be my form of wasting time until I go to hong kong/china for missions!

anyway currently I'm studying for my exam on Thursday and I'm at Curtin uni which I call the common people uni. UWA is well known as the university for the elite in our society. Unfortunately today I have lowered my stand564864 (that was mo) standards and 12349*-*+6456475 (mo again) as I was saying I have lowered my standards and come to study at Curtin.

However I do admit the Curtin library does provide more services on a larger scale and I like the fact that theres drink fountains and toilets on every floor as well as a lift. Though the reason for this is quite obvious because in order to provide for the common people (or known as the masses) you would need a library big enough to entertain such a large crowd. As for UWA what we lack in resources we make up in quality.

By now I am sure I have angered many common people so I am fully prepared for any comments that come my way from my controversial but factual blog.

Well its back to study for me. More will come soon as I look to another chapter of time wasting. oh and dont forget to interact with me on the other time waster - facebook.



"Choose Truth, Refuse Compromise"


Unknown said...

after reading my conclusion of what u think of curtin is:
you have chosen to compromise to the narrowminded-ness of ur fellow UWAians... and refused to face the truth of the brilliance that is called the CURTIN LIBRARY

a l v e i n o said...

your english grammar and spelling leaves a lot to be desired. But I guess thats what you get when you go to Curtin.

jasmine said...

WOOHOO U W A all-the-WAY


amy said...

lol i'm gonna create another blog soon. i dont want that one anymore. hahah. after exams tho. thats why i didnt bother to link u yet.

when i get a new one..if i do that is, you can then change amy *freaking* lee's url. =S

ps: remind me to kill derek *freaking* jee! lol

sodabug said...

"your english grammar and spelling leaves a lot to be desired." hey, don't give us UWA-eans a bad name by being a raging hypocrite!
"You support Arsenal? Your my friend =) " YOU ARE = YOU'RE = YOU'RE MY FRIEND.

sigh. perhaps curtin did get to your head after all. grace before truth- you have one week to change this. and yes, i am a WAAPA pro =) said...

Murdoch's the best. Nuff said.

CaROL Goh-Chan said...

I ain't going to defend Curtin University...

we recognize the tree by its fruit (Alvin vs Carol)

hmmn...i rest my case! *grin*